Welcome School Administrators
Thank you for considering Hillcrest for your students. We are here to help make your job easier while providing the best possible care for your students.
For many years Hillcrest has successfully served students with complex psychiatric, behavioral and/or developmental disorders who may exhibit a multitude of high-risk behaviors.
We understand the circumstances prompting a referral can be serious, and that families, workers, and other caregivers often seek our services with great urgency. Therefore, our Admissions Department staff make every effort to assure that referring agencies and families are well-informed of every aspect of our care and have ample opportunity to meet program staff and students, tour our facilities, and have their questions answered in a timely manner. It is very important that all parties involved, — and especially families and caregivers — are as comfortable as possible with their child’s placement.

Admissions Process
For Initial Referral Or Questions Please Contact:
Jackie Mercado,
Admissions Coordinator
Phone: (413) 499-7924 x122
E-Mail: Click Here
Ted Gidarakos,
Director of Admissions
Phone: (413) 499-7924 x150
E-Mail: Click Here
Referrals are screened by an interdisciplinary team and each prospective student is assessed in person. Though great care is taken to assure our students are thoroughly reviewed for appropriate services, we do our best to respond quickly and efficiently.
Interested agencies should submit a referral packet containing the following:
• Current IEP
• Psychological evaluation;
• Psychiatric evaluation/write-up;
• Current medical information (to minimally include, recent physical exam, immunizations, medication list, allergies);
• Social history;
• Treatment summaries;
• Other documents relevant to child’s case.
Within 24 hours of receipt of the packet, we will conduct an initial screening. If we feel we can meet the child’s needs, an interview will be scheduled to assess his or her appropriateness for one of our programs. Following the assessment, Admissions Dept. staff will review the referral with the interdisciplinary team resulting in a final decision. If student is accepted, the referring agency will be notified and the admissions packet will be sent.
We welcome all inquiries or requests for further information.